torstai 4. tammikuuta 2024

The reason

I am 41. I've never been rich, but I've never been poor either. I am married with 2 kids. I am a teacher and have an OK salary for our lifestyle. I like my job, so I don't really have reasons to want to retire early.

But the other day, a co-worker was talking about how he realized that he would only retire at 67 years old. I decided to check my retirement age also, and the result was shocking. I will have the possibility to retire at the age of 68! And the government is expecting me to retire after the age of 70! Like I said, I am 41. That means I would still have about 30(!) years of work in front of me. I cannot imagine still going to school every day 30 years from now. I can't believe I will be fit for it, physically or mentally!

So I got on my computer, created an Excel worksheet, and started cranking up the numbers! How much do we have? How much do we own? What assets and liabilities do we have? How much do we need to retire? The result of the equation was 10 years! So, I will enjoy the last 10 years of being employed and take the steps that will take me to a position where I am financially independent and will quit my job.

I will be posting the calculations, the rough plan I have, and how I will deal with anything that comes our way during this journey. It will be a very personal story but might be of use for others seeking the same goal.

3650 Days to go!

It is decided! And I will make it happen!

The goal is to retire from working in 10 years. Why ten years? What is the plan? Well, that is what I will try to document and post here on the blog.

Why share this with the world? Social pressure! :) 

Once, a friend from India explained why weddings are such a big event, with so many guests. It is a form of social pressure. All those people celebrating with you and giving you gifts make you less likely to ask for a divorce.

My goal is the same. The more people I tell about this plan, the more pressure I have to make it work. How embarrassing it would be if I fail miserably, and all the people seeing this know about it?

Well, let's see how it goes!

The reason

I am 41. I've never been rich, but I've never been poor either. I am married with 2 kids. I am a teacher and have an OK salary for o...